Not A Fertiliser As It Alter The Soil Condition, whereas Fertiliser Add Only Nutrients

The goal of using soil conditioner is to bring your earth close to a mixture that is 50% organic or inorganic material, 25% air and 25% water. This is the ideal combo to make most plants happy.
Soil conditioners and fertilizers work together to make your plants as healthy as they can be. For example, putting fertilizer on top of a poorly managed garden with compacted earth will not magically make plants thrive. In fact, the nutrients will simply run off since your soil cannot absorb moisture if it’s compacted.

  • Increase amt. of C.E.C in plants.
  • Help soil to take all micro and macro nutrients.
  • Increase soil capacity to hold water.
  • Improvement in all cellular activity.
  • Enhancing root growth.
  • Increase germination in plants.
  • Maintain PH Level.
  • Improves quality and crop yield.
  • No side effects on soil.
Foliar spray-500gm/acre in 200 litre of water